Friday, December 25, 2020

Mom's Marbled Brownies

Merry Christmas! It's always a bittersweet holiday for me. I miss my parents a lot this time of year. Who wouldn't? So, to keep them in my heart I try to make some recipe that reminds me of them. Enter Marbled Brownies. 

I have some very fond memories of these brownies. Mom didn't make them often, but when she did, I swear we'd eat the entire pan in one sitting. 

Janet and Cammie are coming to dinner and I thought it'd be fun to do a cookie exchange among us. I thought Marbled Brownies would be perfect. 

I over "marbled" them though. There should be large sections of the cream cheese filling. Mine has more like ribbons through it. Still delicious. Still gonna eat them. 

Mom's Marbled Brownies
Recipe from JoEllen Wraspir (Mom)

Cream Cheese Filling
8 oz cream cheese, softened
5 T butter, softened
2 T flour
1/3 c sugar
2 eggs
3/4 tsp vanilla (I used a full tsp and it really didn't make much difference. So go ahead. Use more)

1 box brownie mix and it's necessary ingredients. Make "cake like" brownies if there's a recipe for that.

Preheat oven according to package brownie mixture

Cream together the cream cheese mixture and set aside. 

Make the brownie batter based on the box instructions.

in a 9X13 greased pan, spread 1/2 of the brownie mix on the bottom. Pour all of the cream cheese mix over. Drop spoonfuls of remaining brownie mix over the cream cheese mixture. 

Using a knife or skewer, "swirl" the mixture. Don't over swirl.

Bake according to box brownie instructions. 

Let cool, cut and eat. 

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