Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Low Carb Pepperoni Pizza

Pizza is a fave of mine. Anyone who doesn't like pizza, in my opinion, has something not right in their noggin. But, trying to be low carb pizza isn't a great option. Enter Low Carb Pizza dough. 

There are a million and one recipes on the internet for FatHead Pizza dough. This recipe is just like all those really. The one main difference is the psyllium husk. Turned out I had run out of psyllium husk and so I didn't use it. The dough was just fine. 

This dough has tricked me in the past. Not mixing it well enough and the almond flour clumping and so on and so on. But this time I got smart. 

Researching and watching videos, I used fresh mozzarella. You know? Like in the ball, not the shredded kind in a bag. Those kinds have fillers to them that keep them fresh and so melting that is troublesome. 

The next thing I did was put the almond flour in with the cheese as I melted it. I mixed it all together so the almond flour was evenly distributed.

I took my time and mixed this really well. It's a wet dough and rolling it between two pieces of parchment paper with olive oil on them worked great. I also recommend cooking this ONE parchment. So much cheese means this may stick.

If you are expecting the taste and texture of pizza dough, you will be disappointed. If you're looking for a reasonable replacement for pizza while on low carb, this will work for you. 

Low Carb Pepperoni Pizza
Recipe from
Serves 2

Pizza Base
2 c (~8 oz.) mozzarella cheese
¾ c almond flour
1 T psyllium husk powder
3 T (~1.5 oz.) cream cheese
1 large egg
1 T Italian seasoning
½ tsp salt
½ tsp pepper


1 c (~4 oz.) mozzarella cheese
½ c Rao’s tomato sauce
16 slices pepperoni

Optional: sprinkled oregano

Microwave mozzarella cheese until completely melted, then add all other base ingredients (except olive oil) and mix together.

Knead dough into a ball, then spread out into a circle using the olive oil on the outside of the dough.

Bake crust for 10 minutes under 400F. Remove from oven, flip, and bake for 2-4 more minutes.

Top the crust with toppings of your choice and bake for another 3-5 minutes.

Let cool slightly, slice, and serve!

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