Thursday, December 18, 2014

Hunter's Stew

I can't believe one of my all time favorite family recipes isn't on my food blog. What the heck? I'm fixing that mistake now.

Hunter's Stew is a recipe dad taught me. It's basically a camping/hunting recipe that he's cooked when out with the Buckhorn guys hunting. It's one of the most simple and delicious recipes ever. And comfort food for this girl.

The whole idea here is it's all canned goods. You simply open them and dump it in.

Hunter's Stew

Recipe by Dad Wraspir
Serves 6 ish

1 lb ground beef
1 can Veg-all (Usually on the bottom shelf of the canned veggies)
1 can red kidney beans
1 can canned corn
1 can canned cut green beans
1 jar Pace Picante sauce

Brown the ground beef. When it's done, dump everything in. Bring to a boil. Simmer for 10 minutes - uncovered.

Bisquik dumplings - read the recipe on the side of the box, but I think it's 2 c bisquik mix and 1/3 c or a bit more milk. Make the dumplings.

Spoon them onto the top of the stew. Cook with the lid off for 10 minutes. Then with the lid on for 10 minutes.

Eat immediately. But be careful to not burn your tongue.

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